
Bodega Don Olegario Albarino '05

Country: Spain
Thoughts: I knew I was in for some difficulty when a) I couldn't figure out just what the name of the wine was and b) I could barely pronounce the name (thank goodness for four years of Spanish in high school and college). But a few quick searches for the importer leads me to the correct name: Bodega Don Olegario Albarino (the 'n' should have a tilde over it, but I can't figure out how to do that). Anyway, I found that with this wine, my wife and I took divergent paths. We could agree on this: the wine was dry, clean and mellow. But for me, that's all it was. I want more. I want an adventurous wine that's complex and gives me things to discover. Lindsay, however, said that sometimes wine is good for one thing; in this instance, it delivers on what it's supposed to. It's just a good sipping wine, she said. I don't disagree with that, but I like the idea of finding something new throughout the first glass. For me, this wine failed to deliver in that area.
Do-over? Yes, when my wife's picking the selections
Final Grade: C+

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