
Thanks for stopping by, but... (UPDATED)

Perhaps some of you are stopping by after one of the posts here (this one, in fact) was picked up and placed on the Reuters' Web site.
Clearly, however, something is amiss. The post was placed in the Personal Finance section; the only link between this and that is choosing to use some of that personal finance on wine.
This blog is picked by Blogburst, which redistributes our content to a wider audience via various mainstream outlets. As of Sunday morning, snippets of our posts have been accessed 1,462 times (led by the Chicago Sun-Times' 845 views). Six other people have viewed the page above.
It's out of my hands which outlets pick up our content and what they do with it. I have e-mailed Reuters at one of the general e-mail address to make them aware of the discrepancy but have not heard back.
So if you've arrived here in error, I apologize for pushing you onto a page you may not have wanted to see in the first place. But if wine is your thing, have a look around and feel free to let me know what you think.

-- UPDATE: I got an e-mail from Blogburst editor Daysha Taylor, who assures me that nothing on their end is broken. The problem, apparently, is that Reuters uses a 'contextual' search to identify Blogburst-affiliated blogs that would seem to fit that particular story; that was my hunch in the first place (and something I certainly should have noted earlier). I'm guessing my Barons Bourdeaux somehow caught Reuters' computers' attention; my guess is that it had something to do with Barrons, even though the two are spelled slightly differently. I hope this clears things up, as I had no intention of blaming Blogburst for the misplaced post. I know it isn't their fault.

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